Six Different Green Ways

"When man was put into the garden of Eden, it was with an intent to dress it: and this proves that man was not born to be idle.
Pangloss in Voltaire's Candide, chapter XXX

Six Different Green Ways Ways demonstrates modular growth over time as well as the wider modes of expression possible through staged or modular figuration. This might be seen as a wider study of succession (growth/soil-dark matter) and memory, working its through constructivist methodology and filling out liminal moments and fragmented units of space.
The idea of illustrating growth as membrane that is interconnected with architectural space is borrowed from landscape design and brutalist architectural models.
The six-sided cube allowed me to bring incorporate the idea of growth, then reintroduce figuration as it became increasingly dominated by geometric elements (see Six Different Ways)
The project allowed me to synthesize my fascination with botany and the ecological permutations of human movement into one piece. This model now stands at the Kentish Health Centre. In the winter its geometry contrasts with the bare branches of plants and outlying buildings, in the summer it is enveloped by the foliage.